Transformation through innovation

How Dermalux Tri-Wave MD Helps
The Tri-Wave MD delivers the most clinically evidenced Blue 415nm, Red 633nm and Near Infrared 830nm wavelengths at an amplified optical power with proven standalone results for the face and body. Wavelengths can be delivered as single or multi-mode treatments and the Tri-Wave MD is the ONLY device to deliver these three concurrent wavelengths simultaneously at the industry optimum power for superior and lasting results.
It’s also helps clients going through menopause where the oestrogen and progesterone levers are decreased, light therapy helps by boosting the collagen and elastin production decreasing lines and wrinkles by up to 75%. Also making the skin much better hydrated by increasing the skins natural hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans.
The blue light on its own all supports mental health. It increases serotonin levels. Helps for anxiety, depression, low moods (S.A.D syndrome) in winter.
1 session
Course of 6 sessions
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